Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas and miracles

Many people struggle with the miracles in the Christmas story, primarily the virgin birth but also the angelic visits to Joseph, Mary and the shepherds. In this age of science, modern educated people just can’t believe in miracles anymore. Or so we’re told.

Last week, ABC affiliate, KVUE TV in Austin Texas broadcast a story about how eleven year old Roxli Doss came down “an inoperable brain tumor…called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG.” DIPG leads to “decreased ability to swallow, sometimes vision loss, decreased ability to talk and eventually difficulty breathing.” The diagnosis was certain and there was no cure. The report says that “At that point, all Gena and Scott Doss could do was pray for a miracle.”

And that’s what they got! The last time the doctors did a brain scan, all traces of the tumor had vanished. Doctors are amazed and have no explanation. The Doss’s do. They are giving the glory to God! You can read the story here:

This kind of thing is not nearly as unique as many might think. A world-class Biblical scholar, named Craig Keener, traveled around the world collecting first-hand, eyewitness miracles stories and wrote an outstanding two volume book entitled, Miracles. It even contains a devastating critique on the philosophical arguments against miracles. If you have time to read the 1,248 pages I think you will find it to be uplifting, faith-strengthening and intellectually challenging.