Monday, July 30, 2018

The Myth of Junk DNA

Scientists agree that most of our DNA does not code for protein. The question is whether this non-coding DNA is just useless junk left over from a very long line of evolution, or whether the non-coding DNA actually serves some useful purpose. The reason this question is important is that some vocal evolutionists have used the junk DNA theory to mock the idea that life was designed by a creator. If life was intelligently designed, why, they ask, would an intelligent designer spread so much useless junk throughout our genome?

In his book, “The Myth of Junk DNA,” Jonathan Wells (Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from U.C. Berkeley) cites hundreds of articles by scientists—many, if not most of whom are evolutionists—who have now discovered that what was once called junk DNA is not junk after all! They are discovering that even though the “junk” DNA does not code for proteins, it does serve numerous other important functions in the cell (one scientist cited in this book “listed over 80 known functions for non-coding repetitive DNA”).

So another scientific theory used to disprove the existence of God bites the dust. Moral of the story: Don’t get too shaken by scientific theories that purport to disprove God’s existence. Many things that were once considered scientific fact are now just oddities of history.

The Myth of Junk DNA is a short but excellent book. Highly recommended.