Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ?

Even if you don't have time to watch the video, please read my response to this nonsense below.

The video above quotes from Luke 10:18 in which Jesus is quoted as saying, “…I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.” In a nutshell, the argument of the video is that Jesus would have originally spoken these words in Aramaic which is related to Hebrew. In Hebrew the word for lightening is pronounced just like Barack (as in Barack O’Bama). Isaiah 14:12-19 refers to how Lucifer or Satan “ascends above the heights.” The Hebrew word for “heights” is pronounced Baw-maw. The Hebrew language uses a letter called “waw” to combine terms. This letter is sometimes pronounced “O.” So if a modern Rabbi were to read Jesus’ words about Satan falling like “lightening from Heaven” “he would say these words in Hebrew…“I saw Satan as Barack O' Bama.”

Let’s do a fact check on this argument.

First, it is true that Jesus may have spoken Aramaic in his everyday conversations.

Second, it is also true that Aramaic is related to Hebrew.

Third, it is also true that the Hebrew word for “lightening” is pronounced just like Barak, though the Aramaic word would probably have sounded more like “B’rak” (as in tack).

Fourth: Now comes the “slight-of-hand” so to speak. In Luke 10:18 Jesus says he saw Satan fall as lightening from heaven. The video doesn’t give you the Hebrew word for “Heaven.” The Hebrew word for heaven is pronounced like “Shamayim (Shamayah in Aramaic).

Obviously the words "Barack Shamayim" don’t work well with the slander this video is attempting to perpetrate, so instead, the video does a little bait-and-switch by referring the listener back to Isaiah 14:12-19 which refers to the fall of Lucifer (Satan).

The relevant parts of Isaiah 14:12-19 read, “How are you fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn…You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven above the stars of God…I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High. But you are brought down to Sheol.”

The video then points out that the Hebrew word for “heights” is pronounced “baw-maw.” Barack (lightening) Bama (heights).

Remember, however, that Jesus didn’t say he saw Satan fall from the “heights” (Bama). He says he saw Satan fall from the heavens (Shamayah, in Aramaic).

So why did the video choose to use the word for “heights” rather than the Hebrew word for “Heavens” which Jesus actually used? This is a very important question in light of the fact that the very passage the video cites (Isaiah 14:12-19) speaks of how Lucifer has “fallen from heaven” not from “the heights.”

The answer is because Barack Shamayah is not the name of our President and the video is attempting to twist the words of Jesus and Scripture to slander our President!

Fifth, the video then says that in Hebrew the letter “waw” is often transliterated as the letter U or O and is used as a conjunction to join concepts together, so in Hebrew poetry joining lightening and heaven would sound like Barack Obama.

The first problem with this is that the Hebrew letter “waw” is only pronounced as O or U when it is used as a vowel, NOT when it is used to join two terms together. When it is used to join two terms together it would be pronounced as a W (or in German pronunciation, a V).

The second problem is that when the “waw” is used to combine words together it usually means “and.” But Jesus didn’t say “I saw Satan fall like lightening and heaven.” He said, I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.

In Hebrew the word (actually a letter) for “from” is usually “mem.” In Hebrew “from Heaven” would be pronounced “mishamayim” NOT “Obama”! The creator of the video should have known this because the phrase “from Heaven” or “mishamayim” actually occurs in Isaiah 14:12, the very passage he cited in the video!

The video concludes by saying, “So back to Jesus’ prophecy in Luke chapter 10 verse 18, if spoken by a Jewish Rabbi today influenced by the poetry of Isaiah he would say these words in Hebrew, the word of Jesus in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 as “and I saw Satan as Barack O Bama.”

This is factually untrue. In Aramaic, the language Jesus most likely spoke when saying, “lightening from heaven” would probably have sounded something like “B’rak mishamayah, NOT Barack Obama!

I am no fan of Barack Obama, but I find it despicable when the Bible is deliberately twisted to mislead people. The producer of this video is using the same kind of twisted casuistry gay activists often use when attempting to make it appear that the Bible supports homosexual sex. Deliberately twisting the Bible to fit someone's agenda is despicable when gay activists do it. It is despicable when professing Christians do it.

If the producer of this video has a shred of integrity, he will immediately pull this video and issue an apology to our President and to those he has misled.