Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas and miracles

Many people struggle with the miracles in the Christmas story, primarily the virgin birth but also the angelic visits to Joseph, Mary and the shepherds. In this age of science, modern educated people just can’t believe in miracles anymore. Or so we’re told.

Last week, ABC affiliate, KVUE TV in Austin Texas broadcast a story about how eleven year old Roxli Doss came down “an inoperable brain tumor…called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG.” DIPG leads to “decreased ability to swallow, sometimes vision loss, decreased ability to talk and eventually difficulty breathing.” The diagnosis was certain and there was no cure. The report says that “At that point, all Gena and Scott Doss could do was pray for a miracle.”

And that’s what they got! The last time the doctors did a brain scan, all traces of the tumor had vanished. Doctors are amazed and have no explanation. The Doss’s do. They are giving the glory to God! You can read the story here:

This kind of thing is not nearly as unique as many might think. A world-class Biblical scholar, named Craig Keener, traveled around the world collecting first-hand, eyewitness miracles stories and wrote an outstanding two volume book entitled, Miracles. It even contains a devastating critique on the philosophical arguments against miracles. If you have time to read the 1,248 pages I think you will find it to be uplifting, faith-strengthening and intellectually challenging. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Worship Christ the New-born King

The American Revolution had just begun when six year-old James and his parents left home in England to be missionaries in the West Indies. James’ experience in boarding school was not pleasant, but life went from bad to worse when word came that both of his parents had been killed at their mission post. Sent back to England, James was shuffled from place to place until his teenage years when he set out on his own. After trying to sell his poetry, working various jobs, and spending some time being homeless, he eventually got a job for a radical newspaper. When the editor had to flee the country for publishing material the British government didn’t like, James took over the job. Following in the footsteps of the previous editor, James was later charged with writing an article inciting British people to take sides in the French Revolution. James was sentenced to do jail time.
When he got out, James had still not learned his lesson. Two years later he was again in trouble with the law for writing about a riot by workers in a local mill. The government thought this was contrary to the public interest and sent him back to jail. While in jail this time, he wrote a book called “Prison Amusements.” Much to his surprise, when he got out six months later, his book had become a best seller and he was something of a celebrity. As a devout Christian, he used his paper and new influence to advocate for causes like the plight of chimney sweeps and the abolition of slavery.
He also began using his paper to publish his poems and hymns, which received enthusiastic response. So, in 1816, after re-reading Luke chapter 2 in preparation for writing a Christmas article for his paper, James sat down and began to write,

“Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s story,
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth!
Come and worship, Come and worship,
Worship Christ the new-born king.”

And that, as Paul Harvey would have said, is the rest of the story about how James Montgomery, an orphaned, once homeless “jailbird” used his talents to write one of the most beloved hymns of the Christmas season.

This Christmas season, while we share in the joy of Christmas greetings and gifts, feasting and family, lights and music--Don’t forget to “Come and worship Christ the new-born king.”

(Re-written based on Stories of Christmas Carols by Ernest Emurian, Baker, 1958)

Monday, December 3, 2018

What a Christmas!

What do you think it was like for Mary to have had to tell her parents and her fiancĂ©, Joseph, that she was pregnant? At first Joseph didn’t believe her and I seriously doubt that her parents did either. I can’t help thinking that there must have been feelings of anger, family disgrace, and gut-wrenching disappointment with Mary. Whether this lasted for days, weeks, or longer we do not know, but it must have been a very difficult “Christmas season” for a young girl like Mary whose reputation was being unjustly trashed! Then there was the three or four day trip to Bethlehem on a donkey or in a wooden cart. That had to be difficult (to say the least) for Mary who was nine months pregnant! And how do you think Mary might have felt when her baby was not born in a nice warm home in a semi-comfortable bed like other babies. He was born in a dirty stable where animals ate, slept and did their business! Finally, Mary and Joseph soon found out that their baby’s life was in danger from the ruthless King Herod. What a Christmas!!!
Someone recently put a sign in one of the restrooms where I work that asks, “How has God blessed you this Christmas?” Ideally, Christmas is a time of happiness and joy—but that is not always the case for many people. For many, the Christmas season is a time of painful memories, disappointments, or difficult family relationships. If Christmas time is hard for you, that doesn’t mean God has forgotten you or is angry with you. Much to our chagrin, God’s blessing sometime comes through suffering, as it did for Mary.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Extraterrestrial life

There is an organization known as the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) founded by Carl Sagan. This is not some wacko alien conspiracy group but Ph.D. scientists searching disparately for signs of life in outer space.

In my files I have a cartoon depicting two people sitting under a star-lit night sky. One of them says, “I wonder if anybody out there is trying to contact us…”  In the lower right corner of the frame is a drawing of the Ten Commandments. In the next frame, the same person says, “Maybe they’ll visit our planet someday…”  In the lower right corner is a drawing of baby Jesus in the manger.

What SETI searches for, we proclaim—There IS intelligent life in outer space. This is the season when we celebrate how that Life came to live among us, being born in a manger. Happy beginning to your Christmas season!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Attack on a Jewish synagogue

The nation was stunned this past week after deadliest attack on the Jewish people in U.S. history. Eleven people were killed in a synagogue in Pittsburgh.The murderer was a vile anti-Semite. We might dismiss him as simply deranged—and he certainly was—but a CNN article cites a source saying that anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. surged almost 60% in 2017!

Although the church has a deplorable history of anti-Semitism, in my opinion, an attack on Jews is also an attack on Christians. Jesus was Jewish. All of the Apostles were Jewish. In fact, the very earliest church was almost entirely Jewish. In Galatians 3 Paul says that if we are in Christ, we are Abraham’s descendants and joint heirs of the promises God gave to Abraham. In Romans 11, Paul likens non-Jewish Christians to wild olive branches grafted into a Jewish olive tree through Christ. Christians are spiritual Jews!

Although some Protestants argue that when Israel rejected Jesus, God rejected Israel, that’s not what Paul says. In Romans 11 Paul asks, “Did God reject his people?” In the context “his people” is clearly referring to unbelieving Jews. Paul answers, “By no means!...God did not reject his people….” I’m not sure how much clearer he could be!  In fact, Paul’s love for his fellow Jews is so great that in Romans 9, he says that he would actually be willing to go to hell if that could somehow save his unbelieving Jewish contemporaries!

We stand with all decent people everywhere in condemning this slaughter and call for the strongest legal means possible to put an end to our nation’s anti-Semitic surge. We also join with Christians everywhere in praying for the survivors of this terrible tragedy.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Seeker Sensitive Churches and the preaching of the Gospel

Al Mohler is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary—the largest seminary in the world. In his book, “He is not Silent,” Mohler says, “Though most evangelicals mention the preaching of the Word as a necessary or customary part of worship, the prevailing model of worship in evangelical churches is increasingly defined by music, along with innovations such as drama and video presentations. Preaching has in large part retreated, and a host of entertaining innovations have taken it place” (24).
In context, Mohler is certainly not criticizing the use of music in worship. He is criticizing churches that increasingly replace preaching with various forms of entertainment, often in an effort to increase attendance. Responding to such churches, Mohler goes on to quote from A.W. Tozer who pulls no punches:
“Any objection to the carryings-on of our present golden calf Christianity is met with the triumphant reply, ‘But we are winning them!’ And winning them to what? To true discipleship? To cross-carrying? To self-denial? To separation from the world? To crucifixion of the flesh? To holy living? To nobility of character? To a despising of the world’s treasures? To hard self-discipline? To love for God? To total committal to Christ? Of course, the answer to all these question is ‘no’"(26).
A bit too judgmental? Perhaps. Food for thought? Absolutely.

Monday, October 15, 2018

The way we die

I mentioned in my sermon on Sunday that I just finished reading a book entitled, “The way we die now.”  The book was not written by a Christian, which made his conclusion even more striking:

“There is a perception—even a consensus—that death is something that medicine should somehow ‘sort out’. But our needs are spiritual, not medical. Medicine’s dominion should be limited and explicitly defined. Medicine, and our culture, would be healthier and happier if we stopped expecting medicine to solve our existential and spiritual problems, if we stopped thinking of our bodies as machines and if we gave up our fantasies of control and of immortality. Doctors can indeed help the dying, but dying needs to be de-medicalized” (271-272).

When the author, a medical doctor, writes about giving up “our fantasies of control and immortality” he is talking about doctors who will do everything necessary to keep someone alive even though those doctors know 1) this may result in much more pain and suffering for the patient and 2) that the disease is terminal regardless of what the doctors do.

The author says he wrote the book “because my limited, strictly medical, expertise was inadequate to meet the demands placed on it by society and by my dying patients and their families. I had no answers, no profound insights.”

I appreciate his honesty. Ultimately, the only one who has the final answers to life and death is the One who himself conquered death through His resurrection. We have His thoughts and the Spirit-inspired wisdom of his earliest followers, in the New Testament.

Monday, October 8, 2018

“An increasingly hostile environment”

In the October 7, 2018 edition of the Christian Post, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President, Albert Mohler was quoted as saying, "Among the many challenges the church will face in the present and coming generations, few will equal the challenge of maintaining a steadfast commitment to biblical Christianity in the midst of an increasingly hostile environment.”
I am convinced that a large percentage of America is rapidly moving from a post-Christian to an anti-Christian society, in which an increasing number of people are openly antagonistic and even hostile to Christianity. In this new anti-Christian atmosphere there seems to be a growing movement even by “Evangelical” churches to “fit in.” The Bible is increasingly being re-interpreted (twisted) to be more culture-friendly. Teaching on sin, repentance and faith is being replaced by the “gospel” of health, wealth and prosperity. Old sins like dishonesty and immorality are being replaced by new sins like not being environmentally friendly or being intolerant of society’s new norms.
This desire to fit in is especially dangerous since it is coming from those who profess to be Christians! We need to remember the warning in James 4:4 that “anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” But some Christians have argued that if we were just more loving and tolerant, we wouldn’t be so hated by the world. Jesus, on the other hand, taught, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you (John 15:18-19).
The “challenge of maintaining a steadfast commitment to biblical Christianity in the midst of an increasingly hostile environment” must be met with a continued commitment to the Bible as our final authority in faith and practice, an unwavering commitment to solid biblical teaching and preaching, and an absolute commitment to the Jesus, not some Jesus imagined in our own image, but the Jesus proclaimed by the Bible.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


On Sunday I preached about the amazing grace of God in which there is nothing we’ve ever done that is so bad God can’t forgive. All we need to do is confess our sin, turning to him in sincere repentance and faith.

There is another side to that blessing of forgiveness, however.  In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus tells a story a king who summons his debtors. One of the king’s servants owed about 20 years-worth of wages and couldn’t pay. The king then ordered him and his family to be sold to pay the debt. That man begged the king, however, and the king forgave the debt.

This man then went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him about three months wages. The servant begged the man saying he would pay it all back, but the man refused and threw his fellow servant into prison.

When word about this got back to the king, the king summoned the man and said, “You wicked servant…I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” The text continues saying that “his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed” (Matthew 18:32-34).

The moral of the story? Jesus says, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart” (Matthew 18:35). Obstinate refusal to forgive is evidence of an unsaved heart. Forgiveness may be one of the most difficult things we are called to do.

In fact, sometimes it may seem to be impossible. If that is the case, you can at least begin to pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit would help you forgive. If you are unwilling to even ask for the Spirit’s help—read Matthew 18:34-35 again.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Navy Seals and "Hell Week"

Part of the Navy Seals training program involves something called “Hell Week.” It is a very intense week in which trainees endure a lot of yelling, stress, sleepless nights, and physical exhaustion!

There is another group of people that has to endure a lot of yelling, stress, sleepless nights and physical exhaustion—only unlike the Seals, this group has to endure not just a week, but years! They’re called “moms”—especially those who have screaming infants and toddlers. As you pray today, don’t forget the moms you know.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Make America Great Again?

Supporters of President Trump generally agree with his slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Some of the President’s detractors argue that America was never great to begin with.

Those who believe America was once (and/or still is) a great nation can point to our legacy of freedom, our history of technological invention, our overall standard of living, the fact that we have probably sent out more missionaries than any country in history, and how America saved the world from tyranny during World War II. Those who say America was never great can point to the way Native American’s were treated, to slavery, discrimination, widespread political and moral corruption, and even to abortion! The debate is unwinnable.

A better way to frame the debate would be to ask, “Has America ever been the kind of place where millions of people have risked everything to come here because they perceived America to be so much better than their country?” The answer is beyond dispute: Yes! Absolutely.

Whether you agree with the President or not, we should be grateful to God that we live in one of the most prosperous and free nations in the world—A country that people flee to and not from. And we should be especially careful not to take our freedom for granted. There are many today who are fighting to significantly limit these freedoms in the name of “political correctness” and “fairness.”

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jesus, the god of niceness

One of my students, after reading the Gospels for the very first time, expressed surprise that the Jesus of the Gospels was not the Jesus she expected to find.

I'm not sure what she expected to find, but I fear that many people in American churches tend to view Jesus as an all-tolerant, non-judgmental, teacher of niceness and dispenser of prosperity. Some people seem to have made Jesus into an idol more closely resembling Santa Claus than the Jesus of the Gospels.

While it is certainly true that the Jesus of the Gospels had a lot to say about love and compassion, that’s not all he had to say. The Gospels present a Jesus who condemned malice, deceit, greed, envy, slander, arrogance, lewdness, evil thoughts and sexual immorality—and who went around warning people to repent of their sins or they would perish (Mark 7:20-23; Luke 13:5; Mark 1:15; Matthew 4:17; John 3:18-19; 5:28-29).

While the Jesus of the Gospels was certainly compassionate and loving, he was not always “nice.” He told one of his own disciples to “get behind me, Satan.” He called self-righteous religious leaders greedy, self-indulgent fools; hypocrites, blind guides, whitewashed tombs and children of hell (Matthew 23:15-17, cf. Luke 11:42-44). He told a crowd they were of their father, the Devil (John 8:44). He even condemned his entire generation as evil, adulterous, sinful, faithless and perverse (Mark 8:8; Lk 11:31-32//Mt 12:42, 41; Mk 9:19; Mt 17:17; Lk 9:41). On numerous occasions he warned people of being cast into an eternal fire where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth 
(Mark 9:43-48; Matthew 5:28-30; 8:12, 13:42; 25:14-30).

In short, his teachings condemn all of us (see, for example, Matthew 5-7), but he claimed to have come to give his life a “ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Those who sincerely repent of their sin and turn to him as savior and King will be saved from the wrath of God of which Jesus spoke. According to the Gospel of John, those who refuse him are condemned already because they have not believed in Jesus, and because their deeds are evil, loving darkness more than light (John 3:16-20).

Not everyone will like the Jesus of the Gospels and that is their right, but to present a more politically correct Jesus by cherry-picking “nice” parts of the Gospels and ignoring the rest is either ignorance or dishonesty. The Bible would define it as idolatry.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Israel: Whose land?

I just finished reading “Whose Land? Whose Promise? By Gary Burge. Here are some random thoughts:

I agree with Burge that “Israel is a good country. At their very deepest level, Israelis fear annihilation—a fear rooted in centuries of dreadful experiences in the Western world, culminating in the holocaust” (ix).

I agree with Burge that “As a Christian I recognize the ancestral connection between Jews today and Abraham, Moses and David” (xi).

I agree with Burge when he writes that “By comparison with other states in the Middle East, Israel is an exemplar of moderation, civility and freedom” (144).

I agree with Burge when he writes that the son of Hafez Assad (Bashar) “now leads the country and is in the midst of a desperate civil war which by mid-2013 had killed 90,000 people. Israel has not participated in this sort of wholesale massacre” (144).

I agree with Burge that “We want to be pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, and Pro-Jesus.” But Burge spends 300 pages condemning Israel with only a tiny smattering of commendation. Other than what I’ve quoted above, he says relatively little about the atrocities committed by Israel’s enemies.

One significant area of disagreement I have with Burge is the idea the land promises God made to Israel were conditional based on their faithfulness. This is partially true—God did threaten to remove them from the land for unfaithfulness—and then actually did so. But contrary to Burge, that did not nullify the promises—and it certainly did not give the land to anyone else! The Torah and prophets all said that God would bring the Jews back into the land. Even when Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans or Muslims occupied the land, the land did not belong to them. According to the Torah and Prophets, the land belongs to God who gave it to the Jews as a permanent possession.

My second area of disagreement is the idea that the uniting of believing Jews and Gentiles into one body in Christ, somehow nullifies land promises or transfers those promises to the church. Take, for example, Paul’s Olive Tree illustration in Romans 11 in which believing Gentiles are “grafted in” to the promises given to Abraham through our relationship to Christ. That does not nullify God’s promises. That just explains how believing Gentiles inherit those promises too! To use Paul’s illustration, we (believing Gentiles) are wild olive branches grafted into a Jewish olive tree as joint heirs of the promises.

A third area of disagreement is the idea that all of the Old Testament promises, including the land promises, are somehow spiritually fulfilled in Jesus. Burge approvingly quotes Karl Barth as saying, “all prophecy is now fulfilled in Jesus…” (206). Of course some things are “fulfilled” in Jesus. For example, Jesus is the true Passover lamb and Jesus is the true Temple. But I utterly fail to see how land promises were fulfilled in Jesus. For example, in Genesis 12:7 when God tells Abraham, “To your offspring I will give this land,” how is that “spiritually fulfilled in Christ? The supercessionist argument seems to be that “God promised to give the land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) as a permanent possession, but later says, “I’m not really going to keep that promise after all.  Let’s just say it was “spiritually” fulfilled in Jesus!” What does that even mean?

Fourth, although Burge denies holding to replacement theology, his arguments are the same ones used by those who hold those to replacement theology, i.e. the idea that God is through with Israel and that the church has replaced Israel. But in Romans 11:1-2 Paul writes, “I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means!...God did not reject his people whom he foreknew.” Supercessionists (replacement theology) argue that God’s people here are the church but the context of the previous verses make abundantly clear that Paul is talking about unbelieving Jews of whom he says, later in the chapter, that “God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable” (Romans 11:28-30).

Fifth, Burge writes, “While the media presented Arafat as walking away from Barak’s generous offers—offers that were never placed in writing—the PLO negotiators found the Israeli proposals impossible to accept. For example, they planned to divide up the Palestinians into four cantons, each separated by Israeli land (the northern West Bank, the central West Bank, the southern West Bank, and Gaza. The Arabs would not have control over their own water, borders, or air space” (55). 
Of course we’ve seen what happened when Israel did give control over to Gaza. The result was the free election of a terrorist (Hamas) government, the smuggling in of weapons to be used against Israel, and the firing of literally thousands of rockets against Israel! Alan Dershowitz tells another side to this story: “The Israelis and the PLO agreed to meet beginning July 11, 2000, under the auspices of the United States. In the course of these meetings, which lasted until January 2001, [Ehud] Barak startled the world by offering the Palestinians nearly all of the territory they were seeking. By the time the negotiations ended, Barak had accepted Clinton’s even more generous proposal and was offering the Palestinians ‘between 94 and 96 percent of the West Bank’ and all of the Gaza Strip. In exchange for the 4 to 6 percent that Israel would retain for security purposes, it would cede 1 to 3 percent of its land to the Palestinians…Few, if any, Palestinian people would remain under Israeli occupation. In addition, Barak offered the Palestinians a state with Arab Jerusalem as its capital and control over East Jerusalem and the Arab Quarter of the Old City, as well as the entire Temple Mount…Israel would retain control over the Western Wall, which has no significance for Muslims…[Israel would pay] “$30 billion in compensation” [to Arab refugees]…Yasser Arafat rejected the proposal” (Dershowitz, The Case of Israel, 109-110). The reality: “Not only have President’s Clinton and George W. Bush placed all of the blame on Arafat but so have many of Arafat’s closest advisors” (Dershowitz 117). “Virtually everyone who played any role in the Camp David-Taba peace process now places the entire blame for its failure on Arafat’s decision to turn down Barak’s offer. President Clinton, who was furious at Arafat and had called him a liar, had blamed the failure completely on Arafat”… “Even some of Arafat’s most trusted advisors and senior associates are now regretting the decision” (Dershowitz 118).

Sixth, discussing the “Second Intifada” Burge says it was started when Ariel Sharon entered Temple Mount. Burge then gives all the statistics of the number of Muslims dead when Israel attacked. Judging from Burge’s report, you’d think Sharon entered the Dome of the Rock itself (56-57)! No! He just went up to Temple Mount—like thousands of visitors do every year. Muslims responded in rioting and yes, many got killed when Israel put down the riots. Burge doesn’t bother to mention that the riots were orchestrated by the Palestinians! Palestinian media and imams issued calls for action in anticipation of Sharon’s visit. Palestinian schools were even closed and demonstrators were bussed up to Temple Mount! Did Israel overact? Maybe. Riots are not easy to deal with. But to say Burge’s presentation of what happened is biased would be putting it lightly.

Seventh, Burge writes, “I am convinced that if the prophets of the Old Testament were to visit Tel Aviv or Jerusalem today, their words would be harsh and unremitting” (147). I agree completely! Would those prophets, therefore, say that Israel has forfeited the right to the land? Absolutely not! The Jews may be temporarily removed from the land but the land never becomes someone else’s possession. God may even use other nations like Assyria or Babylon to execute his judgment in removing Israel. But God will then judge those nations for doing so! The land never becomes theirs. Christians can, like the prophets, criticize Israel’s policies but we must do so—like the prophets—out of love for God and his people Israel, not from the standpoint of enemies. When we ally ourselves with the likes of Hamas or Hezbollah, we are siding with the enemies of Israel (and God).

Eighth, Burge spends pages 180-192 basically talking about how the land was NOT part of the message of the New Testament. This is an argument from silence and such arguments are often notoriously weak. Second, a partial reason for the silence may have been to avoid unnecessary conflict with Rome since Rome could have interpreted references to Israel’s ownership of the land as fomenting a revolt. Third, and most importantly, the central message of the New Testament focuses on the expansion of God’s promises to all nations! Jewish rights to the land were irrelevant to that message—but that doesn’t mean Israel forfeited those rights. Fourth, nothing in the New Testament denies or annuls the Old Testament promises to give Israel the land. In fact, Jesus even seems to affirm that promise in Acts 1:8 (see below):

Ninth, in Burge’s discussion of the book of Acts, Burge takes Acts 1:8 out of context. In Acts 1:6 the disciples ask, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” The question is about Old Testament promises to give the land over to the sovereign control of the Messiah in the kingdom. Since Burge made such a big deal with an argument from silence in the New Testament, you’d think he would find it to be significant that Jesus does NOT say, “You guys have missed the whole point! Those promises God made about giving the land to Israel as a permanent possession are no longer valid! They have all been “spiritually” fulfilled in me!”

Unlike Burge, I’m not just arguing from silence. Jesus goes on to say that it is not for them to know “the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” In other words, it is as if Jesus was saying, “Yes, the Father will restore the land and kingdom to Israel but it is not for you to know the time frame in which God will do that. You focus on being my witnesses to the ends of the earth!”

Tenth, Burge makes much of Stephen’s speech in Acts 7.  Burge writes that this “described how the land of Israel was not the sacred domain of revelation Judaism thought…Stephen challenges the Jewish assumption that the land is integral to the plan of God” (194). Please, read the speech yourself. It simply does not say what Burge says it says! After summarizing Israel’s history all the way back to Abraham—including repeated Jewish rebellion—Stephen brings his audience up to Solomon’s construction of the Temple but then cites Isaiah 66:1-2 as saying that God is not confined to temples made with hands. Saying that God is not confined to temples made with hands is not nullifying the land promises to Israel! Stephen concludes his sermon saying that his audience is a rebellious, “stiff-necked people” just like their ancestors to whom Stephen referred in his summary. At that point the audience stones him to death—Not because he denied their right to the land; he said absolutely nothing denying their right to the land, but because he forcefully called them rebellious “stiff-necked” people just like their ancestors!

Burge ends the section on Acts by saying, in the second to last paragraph, that “The territorial limits of Israel/Palestine did not exhaust God’s agenda for humanity” (195). Of course not! No one says it does! This is simply a straw man argument. The fact that God’s plan did not exhaust God’s agenda for humanity simply does not negate all the promises God made to give Israel the land!

Finally, number eleven: Imagine a book in which someone writes about the internment of Japanese families in America, and the innocent victims of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The book includes statistics and heart-rending stories of families, including Christian families, affected by these nightmares. The book does this without mentioning that it was imperial Japan that was expanding its empire or that it was Japan that attached Pearl Harbor first. No mention of the gut-wrenching stories of the thousands who died—some burned to death or drowned--or lost loved ones in Pearl Harbor. Nothing about the fact that—as wrong as it was—life in a Japanese internment camps in America was like staying in a Motel 6 compared to the horrendous torture to which Americans were exposed in Japanese prisoner of war camps.

Now imagine that someone takes issue with such a one-sided presentation only to be told that we’re not talking about Japan, we’re talking about America because we hold America to a higher standard! We may indeed hold America to a higher standard but to tell the story like this would make America look like the great Satan while Japan comes off looking like innocent victim of imperialist aggression. But the exact opposite was the case! To tell the story like this would be to use partial truth to communicate a horrendous lie!

But that is precisely what enemies of Israel do when they tell only one side of the story. And although Burge does not count himself as an enemy of Israel, he tells a very one-sided story that is used by the enemies of Israel. Don’t misunderstand. I am not an advocate of “Israel right or wrong.” In fact, I’m not at all opposed to friends of Israel who, like the prophets of the Old Testament, condemn the injustices of Israel—especially injustices done to our Christian brothers and sisters! But when people leave the impression that Israel is the Great Satan surrounded by innocent victims, they should not sound so shocked if others suspect them of anti-Semitism.

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Myth of Junk DNA

Scientists agree that most of our DNA does not code for protein. The question is whether this non-coding DNA is just useless junk left over from a very long line of evolution, or whether the non-coding DNA actually serves some useful purpose. The reason this question is important is that some vocal evolutionists have used the junk DNA theory to mock the idea that life was designed by a creator. If life was intelligently designed, why, they ask, would an intelligent designer spread so much useless junk throughout our genome?

In his book, “The Myth of Junk DNA,” Jonathan Wells (Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from U.C. Berkeley) cites hundreds of articles by scientists—many, if not most of whom are evolutionists—who have now discovered that what was once called junk DNA is not junk after all! They are discovering that even though the “junk” DNA does not code for proteins, it does serve numerous other important functions in the cell (one scientist cited in this book “listed over 80 known functions for non-coding repetitive DNA”).

So another scientific theory used to disprove the existence of God bites the dust. Moral of the story: Don’t get too shaken by scientific theories that purport to disprove God’s existence. Many things that were once considered scientific fact are now just oddities of history.

The Myth of Junk DNA is a short but excellent book. Highly recommended.

Friday, July 20, 2018


In last Sunday’s sermon, I quoted Charles Colson as saying, “Obedience to God does not always mean a happy ending. But why should we think it would?” I made the point that obedience to the Father led Jesus to the cross! Why should we think following him should be any easier for us?

How depressing! Shouldn’t church be about hearing encouraging, uplifting messages?

I’ve been reading books lately on crisis response counseling and “Psychological First Aid.” One book made the point that when people encounter an overwhelming disaster in their life, one of the things that can be most devastating is when that crisis destroys their world view—their understanding of who God is and how the world should function.

For example, those who believe that God just wants to give people health, wealth and prosperity, may be particularly vulnerable when disaster strikes. Where was God? How could God let this happen? Doesn’t God give a rip about me?! Suddenly everything they believed about God and life has been shattered and their world has been turned upside down.

Those who have a biblical view of following Jesus, on the other hand, are often more able to survive the storms of life. A biblical view of God and life doesn't take away all the pain when disaster strikes, but it can help to get us through the storms without shipwreck. The idea that “Obedience to God does not always mean a happy ending” may not be a message that is comfortable to hear, but understanding that fact may be like an uncomfortable life preserver that could help us survive a shipwreck.

The encouraging part is that we also have the biblical assurance that “that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).